About Us

When I was a little girl, an art teacher told my mother that I was one of her least talented students and that perhaps art wasn’t something I should be putting my efforts towards. Today, I am happy to say that she was wrong, although it didn’t come as a surprise - I’ve always been rebellious like that.

I spent years doing the “profitable” thing - working in HR and then admin and finance while pursuing a degree in psychology. After years of burning the proverbial candle at all ends and running from trauma, my body shut down and my mental health suffered tremendously. This was further compounded by the fact that I was no longer a productive member of society. My previously full and busy days turned into days where I was stuck in bed, sprinkled with a smattering of doctor appointments.

Supernatural (the TV show) and crafting were my saving graces during these dark years. I had already been making handmade greetings for my family for about a decade. I took art classes from a very skilled and talented teacher, Alyce. I began experimenting more and found myself engaging in a whole slew of creative endeavours, including entering cardmaking competitions. A selection of my cards were featured in a magazine too. Through craft, I started engaging with life again.

Then a few years ago, a friend encouraged me to send out cards to our armed forces stationed overseas for Christmas. I received a few replies and it brought me great joy and fulfilment to know that something I made had profoundly touched someone’s life. It was only then that I discovered my true purpose. I realised that cards are more than just something for birthdays and the festive season. Every day can be worth a card to bring some light to someone’s dark days. It has taken me years to get here, but I am now finally ready to share my craft with you so that together, we can create kindness one card at a time.

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